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Situation Report #454: COVID-19 June 13, 2021

Posted On: Sunday, June 13, 2021

43 Active Cases; 7 new case(s) reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce. as of June 13, 2021

Situation Report #454: COVID-19  June 13, 2021

Current Situation: The province is in Step One.

Follow the 3 W’s – Wash hands frequently, Watch distance (ideally 6ft), and Wear face covering correctly, and the 2 A’s - Avoid Crowds and Arrange for outdoor activities instead of indoors whenever possible.

Testing and case counts reported as of 23:59 hrs, June 13, 2021:

All data is preliminary and subject to change. Future situation reports will be updated accordingly.

·7 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce; 2 – Owen Sound, 2 – West Grey, 1 – Hanover, 1 – Brockton; 1 – Saugeen Shores

·1395 confirmed cases

§  Includes 397 cases of Variants of Concern (VOC), 1 active

·43 Active Cases

·86 active high-risk contacts

·1345 resolved cases

·0 confirmed case(s) hospitalized in Grey Bruce due to COVID-19

§  +4 case(s) transferred from other Health Unit’s to local hospitals, all cases remain with the transferring Health Unit and are not reflected in local case counts

§  2 confirmed case(s) from Grey-Bruce hospitalized due to COVID-19 outside of Grey-Bruce.

·5 deaths in Grey Bruce

§  +1 death related to a Grey Bruce resident that acquired the infection and was treated outside of Grey Bruce

§  +1 death related to a Grey Bruce resident that acquired the infection in Grey Bruce however passed away outside of Grey Bruce

·99 cases reported in health care workers; reports health care workers living in Grey Bruce and working both in and outside Grey Bruce

Vaccine - Website and Dashboard

·11180 COVID-19 vaccines given in the past 7 days

·119169 total doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Grey and Bruce


Future Vaccination PlanningVaccine Schedule

o   For week of June 14, vaccinations will focus on: first vaccine clients 12+ Hockey Hubs ; Health care workers; First Nation/Metis Communities; immuno-compromised/pregnancy focused clinics; those with the highest and high risk health conditions; eligible priority groups; mobile clinics; homebound


Booking Vaccinations and FAQ

o   To book an appointment, please visit:

o   Frequently asked questions – visit:  Other Currently Eligible Groups ( and About the Provincial Booking System (

o   Appointments are not available by calling your healthcare provider. Appointments are not available by calling the Health Unit.

Provincial COVID-19 Data -

·Provincial Testing Data

·Provincial Hospitalization Data

·Provincial Likely Source of Infection Data

·Raw Data to Download - Provincial


PLEASE NOTE: All data is preliminary and subject to change. Future situation reports will be updated accordingly.





Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer

Grey Bruce Health Unit

101 17th Street East

Owen Sound ON  N4K 0A5

Phone:  (519)376-9420,  Ext. 1241  Fax: (519)376-0605

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