Posted On: Friday, June 155, 2021
The table below shows the various age groups to whom vaccines were administered and the percentage of the population that has their first and second dose. Note, the younger age groups are eager to receive the vaccine and their numbers are increasing rapidly to reflect their more recent eligibility; whereas older age groups have been eligible for a longer period and thus more likely to have received the vaccine.
This tremendous milestone was made possible through the continuing effort of:
·the Public!
·the support of all of our Volunteers
·participating Primary Care and pharmacies
·the Grey Bruce Vaccine Task Force and their respective sectors
·local MPPs and the Government of Ontario
·the Grey Bruce Heath Unit staff, managers and the Board of Health
“It is no small feat to administer vaccines at the rates they have been embraced by the people of Grey and Bruce Counties.” says Grey Bruce Top Doc, Ian Arra. ”The targeted clinics, and in particular the Hockey Hub model, are examples of how the Grey Bruce Health Unit gets the vaccine to the community as it strives to be the Centre of Excellence for Rural Public Health.”
For More Information:
Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer
To arrange to speak with Dr. Arra, please contact Drew Ferguson at:
519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456 ext. 1269 or
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