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Situation Report #670 COVID-19

Posted On: Sunday, January 16, 2022

44 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce - January 15th

Situation Report #670 COVID-19

Current Situation:, Public Health Measures, COVID-19 Vaccines for Grey Bruce, COVID-19 Vaccine for Ontario

Follow the 3 W’s – Wash hands frequently, Watch distance (ideally 6ft), and Wear face covering correctly, and the 2 A’s - Avoid Crowds and Arrange for outdoor activities instead of indoors whenever possible.


Case counts and vaccine data is taken from GBHU Epidemiological Reports as of 23:59 hrs, January 15, 2022:

All data is preliminary and subject to change. Future situation reports will be updated accordingly.

  • 44 new cases reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce:
  • 4958 Confirmed Cases
  • 270 active cases
  • 4654 resolved cases
  • 14 confirmed local active cases hospitalized in Grey Bruce due to COVID-19
  • 3 confirmed cases from Grey Bruce are hospitalized outside of Grey Bruce due to COVID-19
  • 19 deaths in Grey Bruce
    • +1 death related to a Grey Bruce resident that acquired the infection and was treated outside of Grey Bruce
    • +7 deaths related to Grey Bruce residents that acquired the infection in Grey Bruce however passed away outside of Grey Bruce
    • Local and Provincial data may not align as cases with unconfirmed cause of death are not included above but are included in the Provincial data.
    • 266 cases reported in health care workers; reports health care workers living in Grey Bruce and working both in and outside Grey Bruce


Active Outbreaks

  • Rockwood Terrace Long Term Care – Durham
  • Pinecrest Manor – Lucknow
  • Errinrung Retirement & Nursing Home –Thornbury
  • McVean Lodge – Hanover
  • R-Villa Retirement Living – Ripley
  • Parkview Manor – Chesley
  • Mapleview Long-Term Care Home – Owen Sound
  • Lee Manor – Owen Sound
  • Grey Gables – Markdale
  • Maple Court Villa – Walkerton
  • Summit Place – Owen Sound

    Vaccine – for detailed information please visit Website and Dashboard
  • 330,048 Total Doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Grey and Bruce
  • 13,376 Doses given within the past week


Future Vaccination Planning: Vaccine Schedule

  • Everyone aged 12-59 requiring first second or third doses requires an appointment at all clinics (no walk-ins). Everyone is strongly encouraged to book for all appointments; however those 60+ may be accommodated for walk-ins depending on clinic capacity.
  • All individuals seeking a fourth dose must provide proof of eligibility – official referral/note from your primary care provider, prescription, or prescription bottle.
  • Hockey Hubs end January 21, 2022 – Book Now!
  • See Vaccine Clinics – details at Vaccine Schedule (Make sure to scroll to the proper page of the schedule)

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